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"3 Quick and Dirty Proofs” We’re in a Spiritual Battle

Here are “3 quick and dirty” (and I do mean dirty–literally) stories that circulated in the news this week; proofs that aren’t just about one group disagreeing with another, not just about the right versus the left, conservative versus liberal–but a “real” SPIRITUAL BATTLE–good versus evil, God versus the Devil!

Early in the week, Owen Shroyer, host of The War Room, reported how the Boy Scouts of America will be participating in an event called the “24th World Scout Jamboree” in West Virginia, August 2019. Boy scouts will gather from Canada, the United States, and Mexico.  According to a bulletin distributed by the World Scout Bureau to publicize the event, “Our three countries are getting ready to welcome our scouting friends and family to experience the theme for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree, Unlock a New World.”

The bulletin goes on to say they will “share” adventures, cultures, and friendships–sounds innocent enough, right?

A story published by states, “…global Boy Scouts leadership is mandating that condoms be ‘ready and easily accessible’ for all participants and staff at a number of locations on the site.” Does this mean accessible for family, moms and dads, boy scouts and girl scouts that attend the event?  By the way, the Boy Scouts of America announced girls are now allowed to be a Scout in the historically male-only group, now called Scouts BSA.

So why in the world do they need to distribute condoms at a family scouting event? The article goes on to quote John Stemberger, president of the Florida Family Policy Council and chairman of the board for a Christian scouting group called Trail Life USA. He answers the question so succinctly, “…the BSA is both anticipating and facilitating sexual conduct between minors at this event.”

So we’ve gone from the Boy Scouts of America oath that states, “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight”–to passing out condoms in the name of sharing adventure, culture, and friendship.

So, once again, we’ve taken another American tradition that is 100-plus years’ old and completely destroyed it. Where are the conservatives? Where are the Christian voices? How did we get here?

A couple of days after the Scouts story, Owen Shroyer reported on a story about how Facebook is asking their users to upload the “nude photos” they have of themselves to help Facebook help them (the FB users) fight what they refer to as “revenge porn”–(this is another topic altogether).

Yes, you heard it right! Facebook users are supposed to believe their “nude photos” will be safe and private with this trustworthy social media entity that had to testify in front of Congress last month because they were involved in sharing their users’ data in what led to the Cambridge Analytica scandal where 87 million Facebook users had their information improperly accessed.

I rather like Owen Shroyer’s solution much better, “How about you don’t take nude photos of yourself to begin with?”

Then the final proof we’re in a spiritual battle…

I was listening to Jan Markell’s recent radio show episode of, Understanding the Times; she discussed how California is working on stamping out “free speech” for Christians in particular, including the possibility of banning the Bible if pushed too far.

Leftists in California are trying to use the LGBT community to pass a “speech law” that essentially would make any free speech against homosexual lifestyles or sexual behavior in general illegal (including any relative teachings derived from the Bible).

According to a story published at, “California is just about to ban Christians from giving advice about sexual ethics based on the Bible that has been followed by billions of people for thousands of years,” said Summit Ministries President Jeff Myers.

If the law passes, it will set a precedent to muzzle anyone that teaches from the Word of God if it clashes with the World’s secular views. It would silence Christian voices by punishing them using this law–it would only be a matter of time before any Biblical teaching would be considered “against the law”–hate speech.

Will Christians start to stand up and fight this Spiritual Battle before it’s too late? What are you doing to stand up for your Christian and/or Conservative beliefs?

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