I was watching a recent report from Kaitlin Bennett's Liberty Hangout as she interviewed young people.
It made me pose the question, "How in the heck is all of our tax money for education being spent when these young people don't know answers to the most basic questions?"
The NEA should be ashamed. Our local school districts should be ashamed. How come no one is held accountable for this crime? The "dumbing down" of American youth!
Just visit the National Education Association website -- it tells the story. The homepage features the following: racism, artwork, and DACA--oh, and don't let me forget "lunch shaming." Nothing about actually getting a real education in reading, writing, arithmetic, or history--these are subjects of the past.
If you are a parent, don't walk, RUN to your local homeschool group if you care at all about educating your children.
Don't believe me when I say our tax money is going to waste in terms of the public education (indoctrination) system?
Watch these shameful examples of your tax dollars wasted on this American public school product: